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Back to School in Perth with Kids Making Lunches in the Kitchens

Home » Back to School in Perth with Kids Making Lunches in the Kitchens
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Are your kids handy in the kitchen? Today, most households in Perth will have parents who need to leave for work before the kids are up and ready to leave for school.

An organised kitchen can help to make things easy for the kids to get their own breakfast and pack their lunches before they go to school.

Some of you may choose to have made the lunches the night before and pop them into the fridge ready for the darlings to take out and put them in their bags, however older kids may choose to prepare their own snacks and drinks themselves…..well maybe?

There is a valuable lesson in teaching kids how to make simple healthy lunches in the kitchen at home, that include a little from each food group.

For those of you who choose to pack the lunches before hand, you can offer your child a range of healthy lunch options from the food group examples listed:

An example of a healthy packed lunch could be an egg and salad wholemeal bread sandwich, with a serve of fruit yoghurt and drink of water.

An example of a healthy snacks could include:

How To Get Perth Kids To Eat in Their Kitchens

As for their breakfast, a well laid out breakfast counter with plates, bowls, mugs, utensils and napkins is a great start to encourage the kids to sit at the counter rather than wander around in front of the TV, eating cereal strait from the packet……of course you can always encourage them to eat well by placing fresh fruit, cereal, wholemeal bread and honey onto the counter as well.

Having a smart kitchen layout to suit the family dynamics in your home can make a significant difference to your lifestyle.

Let’s face it, many people are time poor these days and some kids are just plain lazy, with mum or dad expected to be waiting on them hand and foot. Children need to learn how to prepare a simple but healthy, snack, breakfast or lunch with needing the use of a stove or microwave oven.

Try practice on a weekend, you may be pleasantly surprised just how capable your young ones really are.

Flexi kitchens Perth

If you need to update your kitchen design to a layout that is more practical for your family, contact the team at Flexi on (08) 9301 4200 and they will arrange a free home visit where you can discuss what it is that your family needs in a kitchen design that will streamline the morning routine and allow plenty of space for the kids to practice their breakfast, lunch and snack preparation skills.

January 29, 2019