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Perth Kitchens Are Now The Benchmark When Building A New Home

Home » Perth Kitchens Are Now The Benchmark When Building A New Home
Kitchen renovations Perth

When it comes to building new homes in Perth, it is often the case where the design of the kitchens will determine whether the homes are suitable or not.

The kitchens vary dramatically from builder to builder, from the very basic triangle plan of stove, fridge and sink ( with not much else ) right up to the designer gourmet kitchens with all the bells and whistles.

Every household has different needs to suit individual lifestyles, and therefore the kitchens need to meet those needs, being both functional and practical.

The astute, new home buyer will already have a list of the “must haves” when they are house hunting, to enable them to choose wisely, and not be distracted by trendy decor and amazing alfresco settings.

Trendy decor and alfresco areas are things that can be easily added to any home at a later date, unlike the interruption of a kitchen renovation.

Be smart with your new home choice and make sure that you get the right kitchen design that works for you.

Flexi Kitchens Perth

A great place to start planning the ideal kitchen design for your needs, is to write down everything which is a “must have” in your ideal kitchen.

Next, you may want to add some items to your list that would be considered extras, that maybe you would add later to your kitchen, depending on your budget.

Inspecting various display homes to view new trends, kitchen appliances and cabinetry designs is another helpful exercise when considering your options.

If you have found a home design that is almost perfect for you, except for the kitchen design, remember that you have the option of installing a Flexi custom built kitchen in place of the generic kitchens provided by your builder.

The cost of a kitchen on a new house plan can be deducted from the total build price, allowing you to then purchase a personalised kitchen design, built to your own specifications from Flexi Kitchens.

When you choose Flexi Kitchens to design, create and install your custom built new kitchen, you will be impressed beyond your imagination. The craftsmanship will be of the highest standard with premium quality materials and fittings.

When you choose to have a custom built Flexi kitchen in your home, you will enjoy both the practical functionality as well as it’s sheer beauty for many years to come.

The Points Of Difference With Perth Kitchens By Flexi

Why a Flexi kitchen is the right choice for your new home:

Flexi Kitchens have been designing and installing custom made furniture for WA homes since the turn of the century. Chat with one of their team today and find out why a Flexi customer is a customer for life.

Call them now on (08) 9301 4200.

April 9, 2018